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Who we are
We’re Quin Design. Founded in 2017 in Plymouth, UK, by Ani and Hannah, with a mission to enhance the safety of bikers and riders. Listen to Ani talk about the genesis.
Since then, Quin has built an array of world-class helmets equipped with the IntelliQuin™ smart system – proprietary chip + data analytics + software – which provides real-time and automatic Crash Detection Reports, SOS Beacons, and other powerful services.
Know more about our products.

What we do
If it’s in transit, we got it covered
If it’s in transit, we got it covered.Our world is constantly in flux. People, things, lives are moving all the time. Making the transit a very regular and important part of modern life. And yet, it is the state we are most blind to. Whether it is goods in transit, or people, or livestock. Whether moving in purpose or lost.
At Quin, we’re building technology that helps keep people and things in transit, safe.
This is IntelliQuin™
Today, we are building intelligence for every thing and person in transit, using data models and AI, working on light and powerful IoT and edge devices, to track, predict and inform, safety metrics in real-time. We call this IntelliQuin™.
See what Team Quin is up to.
Why work here
Grit and Grime.
Working at Quin, you will learn and create products that will make the world a safer and smarter place. Immerse yourself in the classic maker culture of rolling up your sleeves and building things from ground-up.
Here are some of the reasons why some very talented people love working at Quin.
See if you can relate to any of it.
Design leads us, and binds us all.
We’re a team of specialists from very diverse fields, life experiences, languages, and cultures. Some of us play hybrid roles too. The thing that keeps us all closely woven is our individual curiosities and endeavors to grow in Design.
We’re design-led in thinking, decision-making, and working. It’s not just about the products and services we are developing, it is about designing better lives for all of us.
Everybody prototypes. Rapidly.
Our work draws a lot from new ideas. Most of the time, ideas are too abstract for others to understand clearly.
So, we come to meetings with scrappy and rapidly done prototypes to demonstrate our ideas faster and better.
Our desks are messy. Minds, clean.
At any point, each of us is working on a project they believe is likely to impact the world. This is aside from the business-as-usual work.
Our work area and desks are filled with work-in-progress prototypes that have very less or nothing to do with our current products and services.
Physics before information tech.
We’re a company deeply rooted in the real world, while using technology to augment, assist or enhance real, physical, human endeavor. In a parallel life, we are all mechanics and farm hands, up before the sun, embracing the grease and the mud.
In this life, we make things. Real, tangible things. Some of them become products we sell.
Learn more about the life at Quin
We are always looking for people like us, who are curious about Design and how it canimpact our world, who are committed to see the process through, and are honing theircapabilities continuously.
If any of this sounds like you, please send us a document in video, preferably a show and tell, of what you are doing and what you would like to do.