Crash Detection by Quin Design Helmet alerts wife of accident after phone is run over.
(Dallas Design District, Texas - September 17th, 2020) ---- Crash Detection by Quin Design Helmet alerts wife of accident after phone is run over.
Quin Design Helmets equip motorcyclists with modern safety essentials including automatic Crash Detection and a manual SOS Beacon.
On September 5th, 2020 Nick Nankervis, took his motorcycle to pick up milk and water for his 2 month old son. Just a few minutes from home, a vehicle in front of him suddenly slammed to a stop. Oncoming traffic prevented Nick from being able to get out of the stopped lane, and his back tire slid out sending him skidding down the road on his right side. The car that caused the accident fled.
Nick tried to find his phone to call the police, but couldn't because it had been hurled onto the road and was already smashed by a car. Only 7 minutes later, police were at his exact location to check on him. Three minutes after that Teddi, his wife, showed up crying.

Nick's wife, Teddi, purchased a Quin Design helmet for Nick's birthday just two weeks before his accident. With baby Jack at home, Teddi wanted to make sure Nick was staying safe while out enjoying his motorcycle.

When Teddi received the alert Nick had crashed, she assumed that he had just dropped his helmet at the gas station. It was when she tried calling him and couldn’t get through that she started to panic. Using the GPS location provided in the QUIN Ride App, Teddi called 911 and gave the dispatcher the area, street name and position of the crash.

Nick said the police were "astounded" at the capabilities of the Quin Design helmet and accuracy of the location that the Intelliquin system provided to Teddi.

Teddi said: “Because of his helmet, I was able to call 911 and have them dispatch officers to his exact location. They got there before I did, and called me to let me know he was okay… I am so thankful Nick is unharmed, and thankful he had a Quin Design helmet when it happened.”
Crucial to Nick's experience is that the Quin Design helmet detected and authenticated the impact quickly enough to store his location in Quin servers prior to Nick's phone being destroyed on the road. Teddi received the alert in the QUIN Ride App and could navigate herself and the police to the accident scene even though Nick's phone was no longer working.

Quin Design Helmets are capable of identifying and authenticating a crash within seconds of impact. If the rider does not disable the emergency protocol within 10 seconds, the rider’s location is shared with Emergency Contacts.
Founder and Chief Designer, Ani Surabhi, says: “This is why I started Quin. I know several people whose lives either ended or were irrevocably changed due to a motorcycle accident. Sometimes the matter of life or death, a one-week recovery or life-long disability comes down to minutes saved in response time.”
Surabhi founded Quintessential Design, the company responsible for Quin Design helmets and IntelliQuin safety system, in 2017 with the mission to create the next evolution in helmet design and safety.
Tim Calhoun, VP of Sales said: “After thirty five years in Powersports building brands and companies, I came to Quin Design wanting to positively impact riding, and rider safety with the remainder of my career. For anyone that has ridden for long, we all know, or have heard the tales of riders who have crashed and could not be found, or receive help in time. The Nankervis’ experience clearly illustrates our products capabilities, and the level of positive impact our emergency messaging had for this wife and family. Quin Design is changing rider safety, and especially during this pandemic when there are more new riders on the road than any recent year, Quin Design helmets offer much needed peace of mind.”
Quin Design is proud to have been able to serve this young family well, providing life-saving assistance and peace of mind when it is needed the most. Nick is recovering from injuries to his arm and leg, but has no head or neck injuries and says “the helmet did its job.”
Thank you to the Dayton, Ohio Police who provided rapid response and extremely considerate support to the Nankervis family.
Quin Design is the creator of advanced systems that elevate safety and enhance performance for helmet-wearing motorists, athletes and adventurists. Quin uses proprietary machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence, and old fashioned design-thinking to solve problems and improve lives. We create technology and products for which the utility is as obvious as the beauty. Design is our passion. Innovation is our forte. Safety is our mission. Quin Design is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Visit our website.
Hannah Surabhi